Jim & I ended up in Biloxi, MS for Thanksgiving.
My mom, dad, sister (Dennise), and brother-in-law had gone to Biloxi for a mini vacation for mom while she was in between chemo treatments. While they were there mom had emergency surgery for a perforated bowel. She was not recovering very well, so Jim & I went to be with the family for Thanksgiving as we had originally planned.
Mom passed away on Sunday, November 25, 2012 while surrounded by her husband of
61 1/2 years and her five children.
My oldest sister Sherry was born in Biloxi while my dad was in the Air Force stationed at Keesler Air Force Base. Here are pictures of the house they lived in. Of course it has changed slightly over the years! Haven't we all??

Mom was in ICU with visiting hours at 6 am, 9 am, noon, 3 pm, 6 pm, and 9 pm for 1/2 hour only. In between visits to the hospital Jim & I did some sightseeing around the city.
Art Can Change Everything
This article was in a local paper - Mississippi Gulf Coast Observer.
Here are our own pictures!
Katrina Sculptures
Professional wood sculptor Marlin Miller of Ft Walton Beach, FL saw feathers, fins & beaks in the dead tree trunks left by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The sculptures stretch along US Hwy 90 (Beach Blvd) for 40 miles.
Jim & I took pictures of the ones that were within walking distance.
Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art
Other sights of Biloxi
The first few days we were in Biloxi Jim & I stayed at the Best Western Hotel. It was across the street from the Beau Rivage & Hardrock casino/hotels.
The last few days we stayed at the Grand Biloxi with Dad, Dennise & Tom. When Sherry, Alan & Steven got in town they stayed here also. I cannot say enough good things about the staff at the Grand Casino. They were so good to dad by providing rooms & meals.
Thank you!!
My Family!!
Even though my mom's earthly life may have ended in Biloxi, MS her eternal life began in heaven. Thank you, Lord, for loving my family & for caring for them.