After all of our company left we hit the trails!
One morning after breakfast we eagerly set forth.
As we traveled down the mountain we were stopped in our tracks by this . . .
We had to turn around and go back up the road
to the house to get a saw to cut the tree.
The tree was wedged between several smaller trees
so you could not just move it off to the side of the road.
After the slight delay we were on our way to the trail head.
Venable Trail lead to some lakes, but it took us three hours
to make it as far as the falls.
We turned around at that point and
will have to go to the lakes another day!
We saw this peak on our hike.
We are still trying to figure out which peak is which.
It is confusing so we decided to name this peak ourselves.
Meet Pointy!!

Remember the tree?
Well, now it is known as the "Meet the Neighbor" tree!
A few days later when we went down the road to finish cutting up the tree
we met two of the three neighbors that share that stretch of road with us.
Both of the wives also share my name!
What is the probability of that?