Monday, August 25, 2014

Grandchildren Visit (finale)

I think our grandson could join Rachel & Guy's Kids Cook-Off!
 He is helping mom make blueberry/raspberry pancakes.
It seems like half of his toys are real kitchen implements.  
Our daughter-in-law spends time in the kitchen cooking & our grandson loves to help.

One day we were pleasantly surprised to be at the park at the same time as the 
Aztec Conchero dancers.  The costumes & music were one of a kind!

Our grandson picked up the dance & performed for us!

Another interesting find at the park!

Our son recently graduated with a Master's degree in Graphic Design
from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Our precious granddaughter!
Finally got a smile when she heard & recognized mom.

I loved spending time with my precious grandchildren.
Such precious memories!
I pray God's blessing on them & I look forward to seeing them grow & mature.


  1. How precious!!!!!! I am so glad that you and Jim were able to spend some time with Kyle, Shannon, Theo, and Clara!

    Love you always, Sherry☺

    1. Thanks, Sherry!
      The time certainly was precious.
      Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of months!

  2. What a blessing for you to be a witness to them. Perfect timing at the park...those dancers must have been amazing!
