Thursday, April 21, 2011


I returned home on Saturday, April 16th just in time to enjoy the April showers.  All the rain has ceratianly been great for the grass, flowers & trees. 

 I do enjoy the beauty of the new beginnings of Spring, but I miss the warmth of Florida.

Here is one of the Florida squirrels enjoying dinner on the porch at mom & dad's house.
Bon appetit !!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring in Florida

I am enjoying the beauty of Spring in Florida for a few more days.  Here is a jacaranda tree down the street from mom & dad's house. 
What a beauty!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Billy, the neighborhood egret, came to visit for lunch

He did not like our offering of stale shelled peanut crumbs.

So he left for greener pastures!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Temporarily Residing in Florida

I am temporarily residing in Dunedin, Florida helping out my mom & dad.  Mom was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer.  It has been quite a shock for everyone!  We are keeping busy with doctor appointments, chemo treatments & a side stay in the hospital.  Here is one of the bouquets mom received during her short stay in the hospital.

Please pray for mom & all the family.

My dad is the neighborhood squirrel feeder.  I am also keeping busy baking peanuts for the squirrels & making peanut pyramids.

Jim took the following two pictures so that I could see the daffodils in full bloom. 
Mojo is standing at the front door.  Doesn't he look lonely?