Friday, April 29, 2016

Precious Adorable Granchildren!!

We recently traveled north to visit our two precious adorable grandchildren.
 We helped our grandson celebrate his 4th birthday in style.
We bought him his very own two wheeled bicycle.
He had been borrowing a bike with training wheels from a friend.
There were no training wheels on this bike!
In fact there weren't even pedals.
We purchased the bicycle from Working Bikes - a not-for-profit bike shop which 
fixes up old cycles for sale or to be donated to global communities - for $5.
We did get pedals for the bike to take home with us. 

The weather was beautiful while we were visiting.
We had a picnic lunch in the park one day and 
spent a couple of hours playing at the park on another day.

 Of course there was book reading time!

Home Sweet Home!

Living room, art gallery, child's bedroom, library, 
play room, and music room all-in-one.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What I Miss About Spring

Since moving to FL a few years ago 
I've discovered I miss several things about Spring in the north.
Such as . . . . . 

I appreciate the blooms of creeping phlox and daffodils.  
You don't see those in Florida.
There is always something blooming in FL and I love seeing all the color.
However, I do miss the contrast of 
what was once dull bursting forth with new growth and color.

Friday, April 15, 2016


I completed the Iron Girl event on Sunday, April 10th.
The name is a little misleading.  
It is a women's only half marathon and 5K event.
I had registered for the Iron Girl half marathon in January 
while I was still excited about my accomplishments 
of completing a half marathon 
and full marathon in the same week. 
It was a beautiful day for packet pickup!
We even wandered around the food trucks and Pierce Street Market 
which were adjacent to the packet pick up area.

On race day we arrived early!!

Due to injury I was only able to walk the 5K event.
Fortunate for me one of the other gals also had to walk 
because she was recovering from surgery.
It is definitely more fun together!

Those in the group that did the 5K cheered on the half marathoners 
as they crossed the finish line.

 I was disappointed that I could only walk the 5K,
but I had a great time hangin' out with the FAB 50 sole sisters 
on such a beautiful day!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Babies Have Left The Nest

It sure is lonely around here since the baby cardinals have now left the nest.
I didn't realize how much entertainment they had provided over the past ten days.
I did get a pretty good video clip of one of the babies test flight before they left.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

We Have Babies!!

I noticed Papa Cardinal visiting the nest and Mama Cardinal was acting strangely.
When Mama flew away from the nest I decided to examine the nest up close and personal.
Here is what I saw!!
There are at least two babies, perhaps three.
I was talking on the phone when I noticed Papa & then Mama returned to the nest.
It was feeding time!
I had a perfect view but did not think about pictures or video since I was on the phone.
Later in the day I took this video of Mama settling on the nest.

If you look closely in the next video you can see Mama feeding one of the babies.
 It might be best if you view the videos full screen 
since you have to look closely to see the action.

I wasn't sure I would ever get to see the babies,
so I am grateful to have such a "bird's eye" view of God's creation.