Monday, January 24, 2011

Quilt Complete!

I finally completed the t-shirt quilt honoring Northwestern High School's state basketball championship of 2007.  Jim was the varsity assistant coach that year, so he received many t-shirts.  We knew the t-shirts would not be worn, but we didn't want to get rid of them.  I came up with the idea of a t-shirt quilt.  It was my first quilt, so it was quite a learning experience.  Did I say this was quite a learning experience??  It took me over a year because I let the quilt top set in the closet for most of that time.  I finally decided to finish it & give to Jim for Christmas.  At that time I still had two cross stitch basketballs to complete & attach to the bottom corners.  When I finished those & we got brackets, Jim hung the quilt in the living room.  It just fits!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home One Week

We've been home from Florida for one week.  It has been cold & snowy all week!  We are trying to stay warm & are still selling our "stuff" on eBay.  No pictures to add, because there has been no change in the scenery.  Thanks to Mindy Mahannah, Shannon's sister, for pointing me to new blog sites offering free background templates.  Now maybe I can update my blog backgrounds more often.  Have a great day!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Reality check!  Back to what we left 13 days ago.  It looks much the same as when we left, except that I know all the snow melted and we have new snow. 

The trip home was uneventful until we got to Louisville, KY.  There must have been a big accident because we sat in a parking lot on the interstate for almost one hour.  Despite, the cold & snow we are glad to be home.

I'm keeping the palm tree background for awhile!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We are growing bored with the same old trails, so we did something different on Tuesday.  We parked further east on the Ream Wilson Trail (east/west trail) and walked into Safety Harbor.  It was nice to have some different scenery. 
Here's what we saw.

There are actually two manatees in this picture.

End of the trail for us on Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The neighborhood egret, Billy, came to visit.  He was looking for food.  It turns out the lady next door feeds Billy, therefore we have seen him hanging around the house a lot.

When we got back from our walk yesterday, Jim walked around the house.  He discovered an orange tree in the back yard.  Now we can have fresh oranges!  There are even enough oranges to pick & bring some home.  At one of the houses close to the entrance to the neighborhood, they had grapefruit setting out in a little green wagon.  They were FREE to anyone who wanted them.  Beats grocery store prices any day!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


We celebrated the New Year by walking on Clearwater Beach.  We went to the beach yesterday, but I had forgotten to wear my "beach walking" shoes, so we just walked on the sidewalk a block away from the beach.  It was a gorgeous day & not very crowded.  Today was also a great day at the beach --> 75 degrees & sunny!  I did not take my camera to the beach either day, so no pictures to post.

May God bless you during 2011!!