Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Peter Cottontail

I had a visit from Peter Cottontail.
 I only wish he would have eaten more weeds!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wood Storks & Storm Drains

On Monday morning as I was waiting for neighbor & friend, Jann to arrive 
the neighborhood wood storks came to visit.

When Jann arrived we spent another 1 1/2 hours labeling storm drains in our neighborhood.
The county provided these beautiful signs.
The HL Garden Club provided the manual labor!
This is the storm drain next to my house.
My neighbor & I spent a total of three hours on two separate Monday mornings 
marking 80 storm drains.
It was a fun way to get to know a neighbor better & to contribute a service to the county.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Up Close & Personal

This Wood Stork came to my back door the other day.
The neighbors always feed them, but I never have.
They still insist on coming to my back door, front window, or the garage door when it is open.
They were downlisted from endangered to threatened in June of 2014.
The Wood Stork is a fascinating bird, but they do make a mess on the driveway!