Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We decided to go visit Jim's sister, Betsy, in Oklahoma over the Labor Day weekend.  We drove all day Thursday, Sept. 2nd.  On Friday we walked & drove around downtown Oklahoma City, or OKC as it is fondly called.  We spent most of the day Saturday with Betsy & her family.  Then we drove home on Sunday.  It was worth all the driving to spend time with family who are so precious to us.

The canal walk @ Bricktown.

Buffalo around town!

Buffalo at the library.
South end of the river walk has this Land Run monument.

Waterfalls & fountains at the river walk & around downtown.

Let's play ball!

The "Film Exchange" district.

Federal Building memorial.

Guardian of OKC!
Grillin & Chillin'
Say Cheese!

Angie at the computer.

God's awesome creation!
We saw a full rainbow after severe thunderstorms Thursday night.  By the time we got back to the motel & my camera, the clouds were obscuring most of the rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Barb! I'm so glad that you all had a good time & a safe trip.
