Monday, January 24, 2011

Quilt Complete!

I finally completed the t-shirt quilt honoring Northwestern High School's state basketball championship of 2007.  Jim was the varsity assistant coach that year, so he received many t-shirts.  We knew the t-shirts would not be worn, but we didn't want to get rid of them.  I came up with the idea of a t-shirt quilt.  It was my first quilt, so it was quite a learning experience.  Did I say this was quite a learning experience??  It took me over a year because I let the quilt top set in the closet for most of that time.  I finally decided to finish it & give to Jim for Christmas.  At that time I still had two cross stitch basketballs to complete & attach to the bottom corners.  When I finished those & we got brackets, Jim hung the quilt in the living room.  It just fits!


  1. Hi Sis, you have got to love those shirt quilts. Dylon received one at the end of wrestling season. It was made by the coaches mom. Quite a collection of t's. I hope all will be very well you during this severe weather. Love,Alan

  2. Congratulations Barbara. Good job on getting it done. Looks great. We are eager to see it in person this summer.


