Thursday, March 6, 2014

Refrigerator Art!!

We received this in the mail the other day. 

It was promptly & proudly displayed on the FRONT of our refrigerator. 
Nothing has been allowed to be posted on the front of the frig before. 
Now the side is a completely different matter, but the front has always been clutter free.


P.S.  Too much time has elapsed between blog postings.  There was really nothing new or exciting to share.  When there was something to share I got frustrated trying to insert pictures with my blog postings.  I thought something was not set up right with my new laptop, but my wonderful spouse did some research & figured out I needed to do blog updates using FireFox NOT internet explorer.  There will be a few more grandchildren updates soon so stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. The subtleness of the yellow guitar blends ever so softly into the background of the orange canvas. The unbroken, frenzied lines express the chaotic nature of existence. Striking out in all directions, the lines seek to be seen and to express themselves fully. The green guitar playfully overlaps the yellow and creates the beautiful contrasting complementing color combination.
