Friday, November 12, 2010

What was lost - Now is found!

As you know Kyle & Shannon were married in July.  The reception was at "Ye Olde House" and it needed some embellishment.  Many family members donated items to help spruce up the place for the reception.  We received some of those items back when we drove Kyle's car home from the Groveland reception in August.  I kept asking Kyle where the pool balls were, because it didn't appear that they made it back home with us in August.  Kyle was positive he had returned them to us.  One day I had the brilliant idea that maybe the pool balls were inside the gray tote that had all the outdoor Christmas lights that we had brought home with us.  The search was on for the gray tote of Christmas lights!  It should have been under the basement stairway with all the other Christmas decorations, but it wasn't.  We scoured the basement & it was no where to be found.  We even looked in the garage attic, because other things that we have "lost" somehow ended up in the garage attic.  Go figure!  I began to question if we had even brought home the gray tote in August.  Maybe I just imagined that we broughtt it home!  I prayed about it & God answered my prayer last night.  Gregg was working on a project in the basement workshop & moved some things around & he found the gray tote of Christmas lights under some other boxes.  Guess what was inside???

What was lost is now found!

Now if I could just find out who is missing a very nice crockpot!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Isn't it great being able to talk to the God who knows where everything is? I had a lost (and prayed for) and found experience this morning just before turning on the computer. :)
